In previous posts, we explained the differences between qualitative and quantitative researches. We also discussed how to write chapter 1 and chapter 2 in a thesis. They both follow the same format in qualitative and quantitative researches, and in “how to write chapter 3 of a quantitative thesis” the format of chapter 3 of quantitative research was explained. Now it is time to see how to write chapter 3 of a qualitative thesis.
As it was noted before, every university and institute has its rule of thesis writing and you should adhere to them, but the point is that most of them are the same in major parts. So this guide will be helpful to everyone studying/ working in every institute. Just do not forget to apply them in your thesis, too.
Chapter 3 of every thesis is “the methodology” chapter, which means you need to explain the methods and techniques you have used in order to collect data to answer the research questions.
The sections of this chapters includes:
3.1 introduction
3.2 design of the study
3.3 data collection techniques
3.4 instrumentation
3.5 informants/ sampling
3.6 data analysis
3.7 ethical consideration
As the content of chapter 3 of a qualitative thesis, the names of each section may have small differences in different universities. You need to follow your university/ institute’s rules.
3.1 introduction
Each chapter of research or thesis needs an introduction as well as a summary.
The introduction of chapter 3 of a qualitative thesis is the same as quantitative thesis, i.e. it is of two parts. The first one reviews the goals of the study, the research questions, and hypotheses. The second one explains what the reader is going to read in this chapter. Write on each section and give a brief explanation of it.
3.2 design of the study
The design of the study determines the way the study will be conducted. You need to write it comprehensively so that who is to repeat the research or put your study as a base for her study knows how to do the research.
By the design of a study, we mean the strategies the researcher choose to answer the research questions related to each variable.
The design of qualitative research can be one of the strategies shown in the below picture:

As well as naming the strategy you have chosen, support your choice by logical reasons. The reasons need to be convincing.
You do not need to explain what the strategy is. But describe how it is used in relation to your study step by step.
3.3 data collection techniques
In qualitative research, you can collect the needed data through an interview, focus group, document analysis technique, and/ or observation.
You can make use of one or more of them. Do not just name the technique, explain why you chose this technique and not the other one.
3.4 instrumentation
In this section clarify how you used the chosen technique/s. For example, if you interviewed people, explain what kind of questions have been asked, were they structured or not, and give some examples. Again be clear enough so that other researchers can follow and repeat what you have done.
3.5 informants/ sampling
In this section answer the questions related to the way you collected data which may raise in reader’s mind, such as how many questions were asked, how the interviewees were chosen, and basically how you choose the informants.
Support each of them by convincing reasons.
3.6 data analysis
In this part you need to organize, interpret, and find a pattern in the collected data. For example, you may identify an explanation for the phenomenon you are searching on, or find out a relationship between the variables of your thesis.
There are two approaches to qualitative data analysis which are deductive approach and inductive approach. Again you do not need to explain the approach in your thesis, just mention that and apply it to analyze the qualitative data of your thesis.
3.7 ethical consideration
Any document that proves you have collected the data legally and ethically e.g. preserving animal rights, the privacy policy, or any other letters regarding the subject of your research.
Questions and Answers about “How to Write Chapter 3 of a Qualitative Thesis?”
1. What is Chapter 3 of a qualitative thesis, and why is it important?
Chapter 3 of a qualitative thesis is typically dedicated to the research methodology. It explains how the study was conducted, including the research design, participants, data collection methods, and analysis process. This chapter is important because it provides transparency about the research process, ensuring that others can replicate or evaluate the study’s validity and reliability.
2. What should be included in Chapter 3 of a qualitative thesis?
Chapter 3 should include the following sections:
- Research Design: Explanation of the overall design, such as whether the study is phenomenological, grounded theory, ethnographic, etc.
- Participants/Population: A description of the participants, including how they were selected (sampling technique), demographics, and the sample size.
- Data Collection: A detailed explanation of the tools and methods used to collect data (e.g., interviews, focus groups, observations).
- Data Analysis: A description of the steps taken to analyze the data, including coding, theme identification, and software tools (if applicable).
- Ethical Considerations: Explanation of the ethical procedures, including informed consent and confidentiality.
- Limitations: Discussion of any potential limitations of the study design and methodology.
3. How do I explain the research design in Chapter 3 of a qualitative thesis?
In this section, describe the approach you chose for your study (e.g., phenomenology, case study, ethnography) and justify why it is appropriate for answering your research questions. You should explain how this approach allows you to explore the phenomenon in-depth and provide a clear rationale for your methodological choice, tying it back to your research objectives.
4. How do I describe the participants in Chapter 3?
When describing participants, provide detailed information about the selection criteria, sampling method (e.g., purposive sampling, snowball sampling), the number of participants, and any relevant demographic information (e.g., age, gender, occupation). Discuss how participants’ experiences are relevant to the research questions and the significance of their involvement in the study.
5. How do I explain the data collection process in Chapter 3?
In this section, describe the methods you used to gather data, such as semi-structured interviews, focus groups, observations, or document analysis. Explain how the data collection process aligns with your research design and provide specifics on the duration of data collection, the environment (e.g., in-person or online), and how you ensured consistency in data collection across participants.
6. How do I analyze qualitative data in Chapter 3?
Explain the steps you took to analyze your data, such as coding, categorizing, and identifying themes or patterns. If you used any qualitative software (e.g., NVivo, Atlas.ti), mention it here and describe how it helped in organizing and analyzing data. You should also explain how you ensured the trustworthiness of the findings, such as through member checking, triangulation, or peer debriefing.
7. What ethical considerations should be included in Chapter 3 of a qualitative thesis?
Ethical considerations are crucial in qualitative research. In this section, describe the procedures you followed to ensure ethical standards were met, including:
- Obtaining informed consent from participants.
- Ensuring confidentiality and anonymity.
- Addressing any potential conflicts of interest.
- Ensuring participants’ right to withdraw from the study at any time without consequence.
- Handling sensitive topics with care and respect.
8. How do I address limitations in Chapter 3?
In this section, discuss any limitations related to the methodology that may affect the generalizability, validity, or reliability of your findings. For example, limitations could involve the sample size, the use of a single method of data collection, or the geographical location of participants. Acknowledge these limitations and explain how they were managed or mitigated during the study.
9. How do I ensure clarity and coherence when writing Chapter 3?
To ensure clarity and coherence, structure Chapter 3 logically, with clear headings for each section. Use simple, precise language and avoid jargon, unless necessary. Each methodological decision should be explained thoroughly, showing a clear connection between your research questions and the methods chosen. Ensure that each step is justified and that the reader can easily follow the rationale behind your decisions.
10. What is the role of Chapter 3 in supporting the validity of the qualitative thesis?
Chapter 3 plays a crucial role in establishing the credibility and validity of your qualitative thesis. By providing detailed explanations of your research design, participant selection, data collection, and analysis processes, you demonstrate transparency and rigor. Addressing ethical concerns and limitations also contributes to the trustworthiness of your study, ensuring that the research findings are robust and defensible.