Publishing thesis as a book

Publishing Your Thesis as a Book: A Comprehensive Guide to Turning Your Research into a Publication

Congratulations on completing your thesis! You’ve dedicated years of hard work, research, and analysis to your project, and now you have a valuable piece of scholarly work to share with the world. Publishing your thesis as a book can be an excellent way to disseminate your findings, gain recognition for your expertise, and establish yourself as an authority in your field.

While the process of publishing a thesis as a book may seem daunting, it’s actually a feasible and rewarding endeavor with careful planning and execution. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the steps involved in transforming your thesis into a published book.

1. Evaluate the Viability of Your Thesis for Book Publication

Before embarking on the publishing journey, it’s crucial to assess whether your thesis has the potential to succeed as a book. Consider the following factors:

  • Audience: Identify your target readership. Is your thesis relevant to academics, professionals, or a broader audience?

  • Originality and Significance: Does your thesis present original research findings that contribute to your field of study?

  • Clarity and Accessibility: Is your thesis written in a clear, concise, and engaging style that can be understood by a non-academic audience?

  • Market Demand: Is there a market for a book on your topic? Conduct research to assess the level of interest among potential readers.

2. Reformat Your Thesis for a Book Audience

Transforming your thesis into a book requires adapting it to the expectations of a broader readership. This involves:

  • Expanding the Scope: Consider adding new material, such as case studies, real-world applications, or historical context, to enhance the book’s value.

  • Simplifying Language: Avoid overly technical jargon and simplify complex concepts to make the book accessible to a non-specialist audience.

  • Enhancing Readability: Break down long paragraphs, use bullet points and subheadings, and incorporate visuals to improve readability.

  • Strengthening Narrative: Craft a compelling narrative that guides readers through your research journey, highlighting key findings and conclusions.

3. Select a Publishing Path: Traditional or Self-Publishing

Once you’ve decided to publish your thesis as a book, you’ll need to choose between traditional publishing and self-publishing.

Traditional Publishing:

  • Advantages: Gain credibility through established publishers, benefit from professional editing and marketing support.

  • Disadvantages: Lengthy submission process, potential loss of control over content and formatting.


  • Advantages: Maintain complete control over the publishing process, set your own pricing and royalties.

  • Disadvantages: Requires significant effort in marketing, editing, and distribution.

4. Prepare Your Book Manuscript

Whether you’re pursuing traditional or self-publishing, you’ll need to prepare a polished manuscript that meets industry standards. This includes:

  • Thorough Editing: Engage a professional editor to ensure your manuscript is free of grammatical errors, inconsistencies, and unclear passages.

  • Formatting: Follow standard manuscript formatting guidelines, including proper margins, font styles, and citations.

  • Cover Design: Create an eye-catching and professional cover that reflects the content and tone of your book.

5. Navigate the Traditional Publishing Process

If you opt for traditional publishing, follow these steps:

  • Identify Publishers: Research and select publishers that align with your book’s subject matter and target audience.

  • Prepare a Book Proposal: Craft a compelling proposal that summarizes your book’s content, highlights its unique selling points, and outlines your marketing strategy.

  • Submit Your Proposal: Follow submission guidelines for each publisher, including deadlines, format requirements, and contact information.

6. Embrace Self-Publishing if Traditional Route Fails

If you’re unsuccessful in traditional publishing, self-publishing offers an alternative path:

  • Choose a Self-Publishing Platform: Select a reputable self-publishing platform like Amazon KDP or IngramSpark.

  • Upload Your Manuscript: Follow the platform’s guidelines for uploading your formatted manuscript and cover design.

  • Set Pricing and Royalties: Determine your book’s price and royalty structure.

  • Market Your Book: Utilize social media, author websites, and online marketing tools to promote your book.

7. Additional Tips for Success

  • Seek Feedback: Share your manuscript with trusted colleagues, mentors, or potential readers to gather feedback and refine your work.

  • Protect Your Work: Copyright your book to safeguard your intellectual property.

  • Network and Engage: Participate in author communities, conferences, and online forums to connect with industry professionals and potential readers.

  • Embrace Continuous Learning: Stay updated on trends in publishing, marketing, and writing to enhance your skills and success.

Remember, publishing your thesis as a book is a journey that requires dedication, perseverance, and a willingness to adapt.


Ph.D. graduates decide to publish their thesis as a book. We, as an institute helping students with publishing their works, get lots of those books. A short look at them shows that the writer is not aware of the differences between a book and a dissertation or thesis. S/he just sends the thesis as it is and asks us to publish it as a book. While in order to turn a thesis into a book you need to make some changes in your thesis.

Differences between a book and a thesis

Before everything else, you need to know the differences between a book and a thesis.

The title:

The title of a thesis should be specific and limited, while books need a broader title to be interesting to a wide range of readers. It should not be too specialized. Let’s say you are a potential reader, would you buy a book with that title? So choose the title of your book in a way that it is interesting enough to attract potential readers.

The scope:

Theses have a broader scope than books. A researcher studies several variables in a thesis or dissertation. A book needs to be narrower. It should cover a limit and a specific scope.

You can choose one of the variables and write on that in your book.

The chapters:

Every thesis is of five chapters which we discussed in “chapters of a Ph.D. and master’s thesis” post. While chapters of books are organized according to their subject.

To arrange your book, consult a table of content, acknowledgment, dedication, preface, and then chapter 1 and so on. A book as a thesis ends with references and appendixes.

The format of a book can be like this:

  • Section/part one:
    • Chapter one
    • Chapter two
  • Section/part two:
    • Chapter one
    • Chapter two

You can also ignore section/parts.

You need to organize each chapter, too. Each of them begins with a warm-up. After the introduction, go on with subsections and ends with a conclusion.

Chapters of a book should be assigned with numbers just like theses.

The content:

Theses and dissertations are full of repeat and their chapters are long. Eliminate the repeated sentences and make each section as short as it is readable.

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